Friday Thoughts: Notice the Good

Have you ever take time to consider the positive impacts you make as you go through your days? We can all perseverate on what we did that wasn’t perfect — that is one of the biggest energy vampires there is. How often do you let yourself observe and absorb the warm feeling you get when you know you did something that positively impacted another person?
It could be a small thing — like letting someone into traffic or holding a door — or a big thing like helping someone overcome some obstacle they were convinced would ruin them. The field we are in allows us to do so many things on a daily basis that add to the greater good; the problem is that we are all so busy we don’t take time to soak them in and let them melt away all the thinking about what we might have done better.
I invite you all to notice some of the good you are doing,and, if willing to share it with me.
–Les Brown