Serving Families With Members who Have a Developmental Disability
The Family Support Advisory Council is an advisory board to the Board of Directors of Northern Human Services. Our mission is to improve programming and services for individuals with disabilities. We strive to achieve this through a variety of ways:
- Sharing information, resources, and lived experiences.
- Networking.
- Resource/referral opportunities.
- Direct service activities.
Our Family Support Advisory Council is made up of families and provides an opportunity for families to make their concerns and priorities for services known. It is open to all eligible Family Support families and individuals. The Council oversees discretionary funding available for services and resources to help promote independence increase independence, participate in the community, increase skills, and/or training to caregivers.
What we do
In addition to advising Northern Human Services’ Board of Directors in matters concerning families in our region, we assist families in the following ways:
- Advise our Board of Directors in matters concerning families in our region (all of Coos & Carroll counties; 17 towns in northern Grafton county)
- Provide educational opportunities to families living in the towns we serve.
- Assist families in learning how to advocate for themselves in matters affecting services for individuals with a developmental disability.
- Offer regional recreational events and activities, such as bowling and movies, where families can have fun and more importantly connect with other families.
- Provide limited emergency funding that will assist the family in providing a home environment, or in improving the life of the family member with a developmental disability. These discretionary funds can be applied for through the Family Support Coordinator after all other sources have been sought.
- Keeping families informed about pending state or federal legislation that would impact the services for their family.
Meeting Schedule
The council meets on the third Monday of the month from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the Conway Public Library (15 Greenwood Ave, Conway, NH 03818). Meeting are held virtually* during months when weather is unpredictable. Virtual/teleconference options are also available for in-person meetings. Parents or caregivers of an individual with a developmental disability are welcome and invited to join a meeting to learn more about us.
Upcoming Meetings:
May 15* – The council will meet locally in smaller subgroups to plan in-person events. Contact FSAC Chair, Emily James for more information and meeting locations.
June 19
*Email Emily James ( to RSVP and receive meeting location.
We Are Actively Recruiting New Members!
Join us for an upcoming meeting! It’s a great way to connect with other families, share your experiences, learn more about Northern Human Services, events and updates, and learn about legislative advocacy efforts (and how you can become involved). Contact the FSAC Chair, Emily James (, your family support coordinator, or email for more information.
Recent Events, Meetings and Activities
FSAC News & Updates

Advocacy Training Series Begins January 2, 2024
Have you ever wondered how a bill becomes law or how your voice and lived experience can help influence the legislative process in New Hampshire and nationally? Join Michelle St. John, Northern Human Services public policy and marketing coordinator for five 30-minute virtual learning sessions beginning on Tuesday, January 2 from 6:30-7:00 PM to learn…
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Will O’Brien Receives Direct Support Professional of the Year
It is not often that a person dedicates so much of who they are and what they prioritize in their life to meet the needs of others. Congratulation to William O’Brien, a community integrator with Northern Human Services for more than 23 years, who is the 2023 Direct Support Professional of the Year! Will, received…
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Family-Centered Early Supports & Services Featured at August 31 R.I.S.E. Event
Northern Human Services CEO, Suzanne Gaetjens-Oleson will welcome special guest speaker Karen Willett on Thursday, August 31 for the sixth installment of R.I.S.E. (Resilience. Inspiration. Support. Empowerment.), a monthly virtual gathering for family members, caregivers, and individuals connected to the developmental services community. Ms. Willett is the program director for Northern’s Family-Centered Early Supports and…
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DHHS Accepting Formal Public Comments on He-M 503 and He-M 505
He-M 503 and He-M 505 are open for formal public comment. Detailed information may be found here: He-M 503 proposed rule link. Summary: He-M 503 establishes the standards and procedures for the determination of eligibility, the development of service agreements, and the provision and monitoring of services that maximize the ability and informed…
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R.I.S.E. for July: Developmental Services Supported Employment Program
The R.I.S.E. group is for families and caregivers and individuals who experience an intellectual/developmental disability. Each month we feature a different program, and offer ample time to connect with families. Join Northern Human Service’s CEO, Suzannne Gaetjens-Oleson on July 27 to learn about Employment Services. Special guest speaker is Jessica Smith, program director for employment…
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R.I.S.E. (Resilience. Inspiration. Support. Empowerment.
Join us next Thursday, June 29*. This month’s topic is our Participated Directed & Managed Services program. Registration is appreciated, but not required to attend.

Parents and Caregivers: Join Us on May 18, 7-8 PM for R.I.S.E.
Parents and caregivers of individuals who experience a developmental disability are invited to join Northern Human Service’s CEO Suzanne Gaetjens-Oleson, COO (Developmental Disability), Liz Charles, and the Executive Director of Community Support Network, Ellen McCahon as we talk about upcoming changes at the Bureau of Developmental Services. What is R.I.S.E.? R.I.S.E. (Resilience. Inspiration. Support. Empowerment)…
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April Newsletter for Families
Our April issue is now available. This issue features: NH Smiles, the new dental benefit for adult Medicaid recipients is now available. Continuous Medicaid enrollment ended March 31. Family Support Advisory Council updates. Our new virtual Art Gallery. Regional/State Event Calendar. We also included a short feature, “Living With Purpose.” Ideas for stories are always…
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R.I.S.E. Virtual Meet Up April 10
We are hosting our second R.I.S.E. (Resilience. Inspiration. Support. Empowerment.) virtual coffee hour on Monday, April 10 from 10-11 AM. RSVP by the start of the program. Zoom information Topic: R.I.S.E (Resilience. Inspiration. Support. Empowerment.) Coffee Hour Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 786 503 1907 Passcode: 1979 This event is for families and caregivers…
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Family Support Advisory Council Meets Every Third Monday
The Family Support Advisory Council will meet on Monday March 20 from 6-7:30 PM on Zoom. Family members and self advocates are welcome to attend. What does the Family Support Advisory Council (FSAC) do? The FSAC is made up of families and provides an opportunity for families to make their concerns and priorities for services…
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