The Family Support Advisory Council Seeks New Members

The Family Support Advisory Council (FSAC) is comprised of families members, caregivers, and self-advocates across the North Country. We meet monthly on the third Monday of the month from 6-7:30 PM – in person at the Conway Public Library (April-October), and virtually when the weather doesn’t always cooperate. Each area agency in NH has an FSAC. There is also a statewide council comprised of delegates from regional councils.
The FSAC plays an important role in supporting families. We review and award financial grants to cover some expenses and emergency funding requests. We plan regional events for our families to connect and provide an opportunity for fun. We learn about legislative and advocacy efforts that could impact our families. And we learn about the work being done at the state level for the Bureau of Developmental Disability Services, including the impending system redesign that will impact both families and area agencies.
Some of our members have been on the council for many years and have developed strong friendships/relationships connecting with others who share similar life experiences. We are welcoming group and we value the opinions and ideas from our membership.
This year, the Council will be conducting a strategy planning session to determine our path forward and we hope to recruit new members, who will be able to contribute to meeting our goals and objectives, and share ideas, help plan and attend future events. We welcome families who represent the many programs and services including, Family Centered Early Supports and Services (Birth-3), In Home Supports and Family Supports (Age 4-22), Participant Directed & Managed Services, and Adult Services.
If you are interested in joining the FSAC, please reach out to FSAC Chair, Emily James ( or your Family Support Coordinator to learn more. We’d love to have you join us for a future meeting to see if the Council is a good fit for you!