Residential Advisors do Great Work; Enrich Lives

The Residential program at New Horizons is a unique species of program. It provides homes and staff for individuals living with developmental disabilities so they may live their life to the fullest extent possible. The individual’s homes, in many ways, are like our homes. They are able to live their lives in the warmth and comfort of a home. The only real difference is, our homes at New Horizons are staffed with some incredibly dedicated people.
The residential advisors work to foster an atmosphere of a warmth and caring. The staff relates to all the individuals with respect, and honor who they are as a unique person, always deserving dignity and respect. They conduct themselves as professionals and offer care, that is, in a word, superb. Yes, they are professionals, but I have always believed being professional was a poor excuse for being cold and uncaring. What makes our team of RA’s so special, is that they have the ability to be kind and caring to the individuals, while still being professional and getting our jobs done. They are truly kind.
Mark Twain said, “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
Everyone, in one form or another, wants to feel needed and a part of something. With that said, every single day, I witness first hand, happy homes. Are they perfect; no, but no home is. They are, however, warm and caring places. The individuals feel cared for, because they are. In my role as residential program coordinator, I witness so many random acts of kindness that go well beyond any job description. “That’s what kindness is. It’s not doing something for someone else because they can’t, but because you can” (Andrew Iskander). It is a constant source of wonder to me, the daily and unplanned acts of kindness offered by our team.
When people apply for a position with New Horizons as a residential advisor, I always mention that the rewards of the job are equally as significant as the pay and benefits. In my opinion, these rewards are a real selling point for the role. Our residential advisors are getting paid to do good work. I can tell you first hand, feeling good about what you do for a living, is more than life enriching; it’s priceless.
Robert Kellas
Residential Program Coordinator