NH Bureau Developmental Services: Systems Work Community Forums

The NH Bureau of Developmental Services (BDS) will be offering two virtual community forums/information sessions about the SIS-A assessment sample.
For Individuals and Families
Tue, July 19th, 6:00-8:00pm
Click this link to join the webinar
Zoom ID: 859 5546 4103
Passcode: 029404
Thu, July 21st, 6:00-8:00pm
Click this link to join the webinar
Zoom ID: 865 3970 9504
Passcode: 465272
Overview of the SIS-A “Assessment Sample”
NHBDS needs data about the supports that people need to develop new reimbursement rates. These new rates are meant to better fund services throughout New Hampshire. BDS is collecting data with two goals in mind:
- BDS plans to ensure that “business as usual” continues for people in the sample. This means that people who are due for a SIS-A renewal will be contacted, but someone who just completed a SIS-A will not be asked to redo their assessment.
- BDS is focused on collecting a representative sample which is important for sound data analysis. This includes ensuring that the data collected in the sample will be from people across the state with varying levels of need. Approximately 400 assessments need to be completed to fulfill this goal.
Individuals who are currently receiving adult services and are near or overdue for their SIS-A renewal are likely to be a part of this sample. Individuals who are entering the adult service system will not be a part of the assessment sample. Individuals and families who might be sample participants will be contacted by their area agency or service coordinator.
The results from SIS-A assessments completed during the sample period will be used as usual in person-centered planning.
For more information about the NHBDS Systems Work efforts, visit the BDS Systems Work website.