Becoming a Home Care Provider
Are you looking to make a positive impact in someone’s life?
Are you a patient person who enjoys coaching and working with people on a one-to-one basis?
Are you interested in providing a supportive and safe home environment to an individual with intellectual disabilities in northern New Hampshire?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, we invite you to consider a career as a home care provider. A home care provider welcomes an individual into their home and provides a supportive home environment. They encourage skill building, positive relationships, and independence.
Northern Human Services is currently hiring Home Care Providers who can dedicate time to support individuals in an assortment of daily activities at home and offer support in the community.
Home Care Provider Application
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I become a Home Care Provider (HCP)?
Reach out to your local Housing Coordinator and express your interest in becoming a Home Care Provider. The Housing Coordinator will then assist you through the process, which begins with completing both the application and background checks. Applicants require a valid driver’s license and over the age of 18.
How are home care providers paid?
Home Care Providers are contracted through Northern Human Services to provide support. The Home Care Provider is given a contracted salary known as a, Stipend. In addition, the Home Care Provider is given an additional allotment of funds to pay an alternate provider so that the Home Care Provider can arrange to have time off. These payments are made bi-weekly from Northern Human Services to the Home Care Provider and are tax-free. Because the individual is essentially renting a room in your home, an additional monthly payment of Room & Board (R&B) is also paid to the Home Care Provider.
What certifications do I need?
You do not need to have any certifications to be a Home Care Provider, although your home will need to meet certifiable standards. The agency will provide you with the necessary training, both in person as well as online training. Previous experience and certifications that you may already have should be noted on your application and resume.
Is my home certifiable?
Yes! If there is an area that requires modifications to meet either the certification standards or the individual’s needs, we have resources available to address and meet those standards and/or needs. Together with the Housing Coordinator, an assessment of the necessary safety standards will be conducted in order to get your home to certification standards and regulations.
How do I support the individual living with me?
As a Home Care Provider, you will be a part of the individual’s team. With support and guidance, you will learn the individual’s specific support needs while at home and in the community. The objective to encourage independence in areas the individual is already successful and provide supports in areas the individual may have barriers. Everyone has unique support needs ranging from assistance with laundry and meals to behavioral to personal care.
Will I need to provide personal care?
Not all individuals served require personal care support. Some individuals may require none at all, while others may require some verbal assistance,. Other individuals may require full support in every area to include showering and toileting. It is important to discuss the level of support you are willing to provide with the Housing Coordinator in order to make a proper match to meet the level of support the individual requires.
Housing Coordinators
Berlin Area
Andrea Goodrich: 603.752.1005 agoodrich@northernhs.org
Colebrook Area
Elise Gaumond: 603.237.5721 egaumond@northernhs.org
North Conway/Tamworth/Wolfeboro Area
Kelly Wims: 603.447.8089 kwims@northernhs.org
Kelsey Hitte: 603.447.8065 khitte@northernhs.org
Littleton/Whitefield/Woodsville Area
Paul Jackson: 603.444.8559 pjackson@northernhs.org
Tammy Cote: 603.444. 8591 tcote@northernhs.org

It’s become much more than a job! They are a part of our family.”
–Lisa Sanborn (Home Care Provider 2017-Present)
“You are there to encourage their participation in life, to have their back, and help them be and do the things they enjoy.”
–Kathi & Harvey Raymond (Home Care Providers, 2005-Present)