Introducing Friday Thoughts: A Blog From Our CEO

The Time and Space to Lead the Way
I have been thinking about people who bring light and joy into the lives of others.
This week, as I glanced out my office window, which happens to be exactly placed so I see folks coming in and out of our Common Ground office in Littleton, I saw one of our staff walking walking hand-in-hand with an individual that she works with. Usually when I see this duo, the staff member is helping to guide the individual in the right direction.
This week, I saw something different; the individual was guiding the staff member. Ultimately it was in the wrong direction as I watched them eventually turned around. But here’s the thing…the staff member was smiling, and the individual looked pleased to be doing the guiding. This staff member may have been unaware of this simple action looked like from afar, but what I saw was one of our staff members allowing themselves to not rush; to go off track a bit; and in doing so, they made this individual smile and gave them a chance to lead the way.
This staff member could have saved time and done the leading to get on with their next task. They could have been impatient. Instead, they chose — even if they didn’t realize it — to give that individual the time and space to lead the way.
Time and space to lead the way. That is no small thing and it brought a smile to my face. This staff member spread joy and light to the individual they are working with, and to those lucky enough to bear witness. The ripple effect from this simple choice is endless. We are lucky to have staff who let the current moment be a positive one; every day our staff get up and continue doing work that spreads smiles and increases happiness; that is what is important in life.