Eligibility Determination

Support for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities

When an individual is referred to NHS for services,
there are certain eligibility requirements that must be met.
To qualify for funding for Developmental Services,
an individual must have 
a developmental disability as defined
by He-M 503b.05, 
or in the case of traumatic/acquired brain disorder
by He-M 522, In cases where there needs to be further evaluation
to determine eligibility, NHS may have a licensed psychologist further evaluate
an individual. This testing/evaluation with a developmental specialist may include
IQ testing and the assessment of an individual’s functional abilities.

Once a person is determined eligible for services, they must complete
an application. We then meet with the individual and other people involved
in their life to talk about their support needs, goals and plans. Funding is requested
for the individual’s anticipated needs, and once funding is secured,
the individual begins to receive services.

An service agreement meeting will be held with the individual,
family members and relevant NHS staff persons. This meeting will be facilitated
by the Service Coordinator and will address the individual’s goals
and vision for his life and to design a program of services
tailored to the individual’s unique needs.