Developmental Disabilities: Operational Update

Welcome to 2023!
As we head into the New Year, there are several changes to the (NH) Developmental Services System I’d like to share with the Northern Human Services community.
- Enabling all provider agencies to direct bill for services (expanding beyond the 10 area agencies servicing NH). Beginning later this year all service providers will have the ability to bill Medicaid directly for the services they provide.These services providers are not required to direct bill, however, if they choose not to, they will need to partner up with another agency or a third party billing company, and pay them to handle their billing needs for them.
- Shifting the current Medicaid rate structure to a more needs based rate structure. The scoring of the Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) and the Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) will help to determine the amount of funding an individual gets for their services.
- Changing the rate structure for administration funds to a DAADS rate (Designated Area Agency Delivery System) and FMS rate (Fiscal Management Services). These changes will be rolled out in 2023. It is important to note that individuals and families are not expected to see any significant impact to services being provided, as these adjustments are considered to be back end administrative/operational updates.
The General Management funds that were assigned to all individual budgets will now be provided to NHS through the DAADS rate, which we will receive for all NHS individuals who are receiving services on one of the three waivers, developmental disability, acquired brain disorder, or in-home supports. The FMS rate will be billed for all self-directed service arrangements for the budget support that is provided to all the individuals in Participant Directed and Managed Services and the In Home Support Program.
Workforce Impacts From COVID-19 Linger
The last year has brought about quite a bit of settling of COVID-related service issues while one significant impact remains: a significant reduction in our workforce. It’s been all hands on deck to brainstorm new ideas for the recruitment of staff and home care providers. While the process has been slow, I have every confidence that we will get back to normal staffing.
A Word of Thanks
I want to specifically thank everyone who has gone the extra mile throughout the staffing shortage.
We have families who have had their sons/daughters home more than they did pre-COVID. We have home care providers who have been filling in and providing a considerable amount of community participation services for many individuals. And lastly, we have many staff who have been willing and able to work overtime to ensure that some of our folks with high needs are getting the supports they need.
We appreciate everyone for their willingness to devote their time, energy and efforts to ensure we are able to provide the necessary services.
Let’s all ring in the New Year with hope and excitement for the future of Developmental Services!
Liz Charles
COO, Developmental Disabilities