Baby & Toddler Playgroup (Birth to Age 5)

Northern Human Services’ Family-Centered Early Supports & Services is hosting a new playgroup for parents and children ages birth-five. The playgroup will feature monthly-themed activities geared towards the development of young children and provides an opportunity to connect with other families in the community.
Upcoming Dates – We’ve Moved to Every Wednesday!
April 2: Butterfly sun catchers
April 9: Animal mask craft
April 16: Scavenger hunt
April 23: Coffee filter butterflies
April 30: Sensory day: shaving cream, rice and beans
May 7: Mother’s day craft
May 14: Flower pots, plant your own flowers
May 21: Music group
May 28: Popsicle slick bird feeder
Jun 4: Popsicle stick flowers
June 11: Father’s day craft
June 18: Outdoor obstacle course
June 25: Spell your name caterpillars
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
961 Main St Berlin NH 03570 (Brown Company House, first floor).
For more information contact, Jenna Duchesne (603.662.7479) and Danielle Roy (603.662.7573).